Finally, after 2 years of no “Reddingbootdag” due to covid, this year it was allowed again, and what a day we had! Throughout the country, KNRM stations opened up their boat house, the boats itself and organised other events. In Hansweert we had the joy of notonly having the own boot, de Jan van Engelenburg, but also an extra boat, de Koos van Messel (that has been there while the Jan van Engelenburg was away for maintenance in the weeks before).
Besides the boat rides that were organised for the KNRM contributors, there were demo’s given by the local fire department and the ambulance services.
More pictures will follow soon, if you are in these pictures and would like to receive them, or have any other questions or remarks about the photo’s taken at the event, please use my contact form (you can find under the about&contact button on top of this page)